Junshneg sandstone painting

July 30th 2023 18:17:00

Li Junsheng,a local Tujia ethnic man in Zhangjiajie. In 1980s, he created sandstone painting. Li Junshneg's sandstone paintings belong to a comprehensive material art. Collage or mixed media are commonly used media in Western modern art. 

However, Li Junsheng's sandstone paintings are not a misappropriation or imitation of modern Western comprehensive material art, but a unique comprehensive material art discovered and created by him through his own aesthetic perception, which is a native modern art in China. 

Li Junsheng may not be able to understand western modern painters such as Debbie Fey, Tapies and Pollock, but his sand and stone paintings have achieved the same visual effect as the comprehensive material art of western modern painters, and are more rich in the local artistic characteristics of China, especially in Zhangjiajie, Hunan.

Where to buy?

As a thematic exhibition hall displaying sandstone paintings, Junsheng Sandstone Painting Institute, founded by Mr Li Junsheng in 2001, is located in Ziwu Road of downtown Zhangjiajie. Nowadays, the new one has been opend to visitors, which is located in Wulingshan Avenue,Shadi Township of Yongding District. Through this window of art, visitors can not only see a more beautiful Zhangjiajie, appreciate the wisdom of the Tujia people, but also bring home sandstone paintings that show the beauty and culture of Zhangjiajie as collections.

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The sand and stone paintings created by Li Junsheng boldly break through traditional painting materials and creatively utilize the color scheme of natural plants, with great artistic and collectible value.

Travel Tips

Add: Wulingshan Avenue, Shadi Township,Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City

Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00

Duration of visit: 1hour