The show of Fantasy Zhangjiajie

July 29th 2023 15:07:00

The show of Fantasy Zhangjiajie is one of the most famous shows in Zhangjiajie. Put on the Zhangjiajie Grand Theater located in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, the show of Fantasy Zhangjiajie is based on the most primitive materials in the mountains of Xiangxi area, and has undergone artistic processing. Fully showcase the mysterious witchcraft and Nuo culture of Xiangxi to tourists! 

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It is a good place for you to travel and experience the heterogeneous culture of Xiangxi in Zhangjiajie. The entire performance hall was brightly lit and fully booked. The performance hall is decorated in the style of Xiangxi ethnic customs, with an antique color and fragrance, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the Xiangxi customs.

Travel Tips

Avenue: Zhangjiajie Grand Theater , Baofeng Road, Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City

Opening Hours: 19:30-22:30

Ticket Fee: CNY 228